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Genghis Con sells out at TCAF and gets nominated for Best Graphic Novel by the ABPA

It’s now Wednesday, which is a full two days after the end of the 2022 Toronto Comic Arts Festival. We’re past due for an update here, but in our defense: we needed some time to recover.

That’s because we were out celebrating. After spending the weekend at the Renegade Arts Entertainment table, we can happily announce that all copies of Genghis Con on sale at the festival were claimed. That’s right, we completely sold out!

That’s us there tossing out a thumbs up at the start of the weekend. You can see the stack of books there with which we started—again, all of which are now gone! It was quite a weekend, talking to people, making our pitch, and enjoying the time with so many fans of the art form. We spent many years working towards our convention debut, and it could not have gone better.

Now we’ve got to give a big thanks to Alexander Finbow, the publisher at Renegade Arts, for setting us up with such a great table, and to our tablemate Mark Allard-Will (who was offering up his excellent book Siegfried: Dragon Slayer), for helping us move books. What a time.

And it has all led to some more good news: an award nomination!

Announced just yesterday, the Alberta Book Publishing Awards have nominated Genghis Con for Best Graphic Novel in 2022. Holy!

Check out all the nominees here.

Folks, we’re over the moon — and may need a few more days to recover after some more celebration.

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